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Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

Vienna Fashion Week 2010

so this year's fashion week in vienna had a fulminant kick off yesterday. austrian "celebrities" rushed the red carpet, looking like businessmen and -women from a lower developed country.
it's a shame that creativeness and effort by numerous people who helped to create the event are crushed by people who attend a fashion show in a faded, oversized business suit.

vienna is a great city with a handful of creative and bright minded people but unfortunately these people are a minority. i just can't understand the fact that people who don't even know how to lace their shoes are invited to such an event.

stay tuned to check out some pictures from this year's event. personally i'm looking forward to LENA HOSCHEK'S show this saturday. keep your fingers crossed that her good work doesn't get ruined by wannabe fashionistas.

check her website:

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